From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: Obligations <>
Date: 26/07/2019 15:22:08 UTC
Subject: ODG: Todd on Torts

Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to ODGers Stephen Todd and his coauthors John Burrows, Bill Atkin, Cynthia Hawes, and Ursula Cheer on the publication of the 8th edition of Todd on Torts with Thompson Reuters:


Here is the description:


The many and varied developments in the field of torts during the last 3 years mean that this new, 8th edition of Todd on Torts (formerly The Law of Torts in New Zealand) already is needed. As with previous editions, it seeks to explain and to discuss the evolving law in New Zealand and also to cover significant developments in the wider common law world.

Major new or rewritten areas of discussion in its pages include:

  • The scope of cover for treatment injury under the accident compensation scheme.
  • Recovery of common law damages for mental injury.
  • Assuming responsibility as a test for liability for negligently inflicted economic loss.
  • Responsible communication on a matter of public interest as a defence in defamation.
  • Recognition of a new cause of action for the malicious institution of civil proceedings.
  • Proportionality as the basis for pleading the ex turpi causa principle.
  • Vicarious liability for independent contractors and for other relationships analogous to employment.
  • A host of new decisions explain and discuss these and many other interesting topics and fields of enquiry.


Happy Reading,



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)